Saturday was Bro. Lin’s baptism. It was a special one! We look forward to see Brother Lin receive the Priesthood, receive callings, and be molded into the person that God wants him to be. He has changed so much over the past few months. He is kinder with his family and with others. The first time I met Bro. Lin, he wasn't even willing to say a word to me. So we prayed. After we were able to meet with him we wouldn’t even let us discuss baptism. So we prayed. The change has been slow. We hoped we would one day see him baptized, and on Saturday we did!! His less active son came--he was a really nice guy. We are so excited for them and for their potential to be an eternal family in a year!! I think only God knows the full extent of this miracle. It was fun to see the end and the beginning--BAPTISM! President Bishop and his family came to see it! It was a special thing.
This week we went on exchanges with the assistants! That's always fun. It's nice to leave an exchange feeling uplifted and strengthened. The only bad thing that happened was the assistant and I wrecked with each other on our bikes...haha. It was actually amazing that no one got hurt. We were going really fast on this road to visit an investigator when we came to a yellow light--I figured that no one else would make it through the light so I slowed down and headed toward the closest person to contact them. The assistant looked behind him to see if my companion was going to go through or not. Therefore He didn't see me slow down and slammed the back of me. I looked behind me to see his face about 2 feet away from mine and hovering in the air. The only casualty was the box on the back of my bike. No one was even scratched... I think it makes a good story.
On Thursday we got to go to ZhangHwa to see an old Buddhist Temple and other sights with the mission. On Sunday our district leader was called to be the new mission recorder. So now our companionship has three people now. I am the Sr. companion and the district leader. I am responsible for the missionary work in the entire county of Yunlin!!!! wow! We are excited for this power filled week.
I was amazed that we were still able to get 30 sit downs this week even since we were gone for one whole day on the 23. It's interesting how the blessings come--they come at the best time and in the best way. We have a goal this week to add 100 investigators. It is a good thing that we have an extra companion and Zone leader exchanges this week!
Right now we are focusing on a Wang family--the father is a Police officer so it's hard for him to make it to church. We are also focusing on a Brother Li --a former atheist who prayed for a really long time and now believes in God. He enjoyed himself at church, and we believe he looks really good for his Week C goal. Others include a Brother Yuan, who is trying to help his parents have a better understanding of the Church, and the Brother Chen who still believes everything, but hesitant to act on it.
Elder Spencer Harris